
Time to Change grant fund

Our grants fund will make awards to approximately 75 community projects across England between May 2012 and March 2015. It funds projects that tackle stigma and discrimination by bringing people with and without mental health problems together.

We’re looking for projects that change attitudes and behaviour by engaging local communities in meaningful conversations about mental health. We particularly encourage applications from projects run in partnership by one or more organisations. People with experience of mental health problems should be involved in the planning and development of the projects at all levels.

25% of the fund is for projects run by and for people from Black and Minority Ethnic communities, and 20% is for projects that work with young people.

First round

The fund is now open for the first round of applications. The deadline for applications is 2pm on 30 March. Grants will be awarded in May 2012.

In this round, you can apply for a grant in one of four funding bands:

  • Small grants – up to £20 000 (minimum £10 000)
  • Medium grants – up to £40 000
  • Large grants – up to £80 000
  • Flagship grants – up to £100 000

We will be giving out three large grants and four flagship grants between now and 2015 – so the majority of our funding will be to support grassroots work and will be allocated as small and medium-sized grants.

Future rounds

If you are not successful this time, or you need more time to develop your idea, there will be more opportunities to apply in coming months. The next round of funding will be in Autumn 2012, and there will be two more rounds in 2013.

The deadline for applications is 2pm on 30 March 2012. We encourage you to submit your application earlier than this if you can.

For further information and application form visit:

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