Richard will be joining our Inspirational YOUth panel entitled ‘I am young and I am winning’ at Inspirational YOU on 30th June at Birkbeck College, University of London.
Richard is a community inspired activist and Project Manager at the Spirit of London Awards – the Community Oscars for Young people.
He is a former Youth MP for the London borough of Croydon and was named his Boroughs Community Champion in 2009 . He’s had a series of roles in the third sector including acting as a Children’s rights advisor for UNICEF UK and Co-Chairing the National Participation Forum.
In 2010 he became the youngest ever Winston Churchill Fellow and in 2011 was chosen by Google as one of twelve leading young minds from across the globe to participate in their Zeitgeist conference.
He shall be taking up a place to continue his studies at the London School of Economics & Political Science this October.
Richard Serunjogi
T : @RichSerunjogi
SOLA Foundation
Spirit Of London Awards