Andy Woodfield will be speaking on our ‘Leading men’s’ panel discussing a winning mindset at Birkbeck, University of London on Saturday 23rd March 2013.
Andy is also the PwC Partner sponsor for GLEE@PwC – an inclusive business network for Gays, Lesbians and Everyone Else – it’s all about breaking down the barriers of difference and connecting people, celebrating that we’re all unique regardless of our sexuality, race, gender, religion or ability. So you don’t need a label like gay, lesbian, straight or bisexual – you just have to be up for embracing the uniqueness of all people. Everyone can join at
Who is Andy?
I’m Andy first and foremost.
I’m curious, I’m here on the planet to learn and experience life and the amazing uniqueness of human beings. I’m committed to showing people how amazing life can be when we have the courage to embrace our unique strength and power, being the same person at work as at home.
I believe that every human being has unique genius, real power and impact, and a delightful ability to dream.
What is Genius, Power, Dreams?
Imagine getting to do what you love every day. Imagine being surrounded by people who were genuinely passionate about what they do. Imagine having others recognise and nurture your unique talent. Imagine being encouraged to realise your potential and unleash your inner genius, power and dreams…every day. Now imagine that this was your place of work. How many of us live this dream?
Genius, Power, Dreams is an approach created by Andy Woodfield at PwC, that leverages a wide range of deep research and thinking and makes it accessible to individuals, teams and organisations in a practical way that can have a profound impact on our ways or working, personal happiness and business performance.
Three Hours. Three Topics. About one person. You!
I grew up in a small Dorset village, went to a regular comprehensive school and was generally academically rubbish – spending most of my time looking out of the window or standing outside of the classroom for causing too much merriment in the classroom itself.
At an early age I was aware that I was different, I didn’t understand why and I tried very hard to fit in or just make people laugh. Later in life I realised that part of my difference was about being gay. From school I went straight to work as an engineering design apprentice and at the same time started a day release HND programme in Computing. I then bounced between work in design and IT, finally moving to London in 1998 where I joined PwC as an IT Security consultant.
In 2006 I was asked to be a Partner. I now spend 90% of my time running the firms International Aid Development consulting business and the rest of my time helping individuals and leadership teams achieve their dreams.